عرض خاص: التوصيل بالمجان، و الدفع عند الاستلام،اسرع واطلب الآن

عرض خاص: التوصيل بالمجان، و الدفع عند الاستلام،اسرع واطلب الآن

payment methods

We offer safe shopping and accept  Cash on delivery COD.

(Cash On Delivery) It is one of the payment methods available on our store, and payment upon receipt means that the shopper can shop through our online store

Pay upon receipt, choose the product he desires, then place the order and choose the payment method upon receipt, which means that the payment process is postponed until the customer receives the product he ordered electronically.

We will send the product to the agreed upon location (city, neighborhood, home, or another place), and then payment will be made.